Sunday 22 September 2013

Arts & Media Inter Media Unit

Inter media art grew with the increased conceptualisation of art and the need to explore new forms. Marcel Duchamp and Kurt Schwitter's expanded their practice beyond a multi discipline or discipline specific approach to making art with the incorporation of the found object or "ready made" and installation artworks that transgressed notions of the art object.

The move towards expanding traditional art practice by exploring the potential of blurring the lines between disciplines and to combine discipline areas for inter media art. The creation of installation works posed many new questions regarding the exhibition of art and the role of the viewer as well as the context and site of the works.

The international movements of Dada and Fluxus pushed the boundaries of creative practice and expanded upon the approaches founded the practices by Duchamp, Schwitters and others. Approaches to creative practice are multifarious with Inter Media art here are two prevalent approaches to simplify in the extreme; One deriving from a Modernist position and the other from Post Modernism.

Rosalind Krauss

Essentially a Modernist position of negotiating expanded practice. The discipline specific is the starting point for the expansion of creative practice. An expansion from the discipline and the historical lineage attached to the discipline.

Sculpture in the Expanded Field

A Voyage on the North Sea Art in the Age of the Post-Medium Condition

Nicolas Bourriard

None discipline specific practice that can engage the social both in production and reception. Engages with a range of contexts and approaches to making that fuses media and a broad range of references and the engagement with Post Structural Philosophies. 

Relational Aesthetics

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